Me: Act as a ChatGPT-3 model.
Write a long article tp Explain and educate on the importance of not blindly accepting ChatGPT output. Do this from the first person, speak to the reader as you. Continue reading
Zen Master ChatGPT-3’s Koans
In this blog I report on a conversation with ChatGPT-3 who was temporarily being a Zen Master. Continue reading
First Seance ChatGPT-3
In this chat session we tested the ability of ChatGTP-3 to function as a seance medium. The results were fabulous and absolutely funny. Continue reading
ChatGPT-3 Creates Several Dream-Life Narratives
In this ChatGPT-3 experiment I teach it to create Dream-Life Narratives (see Gateways for more information on Dream-Life Narratives.)
It is taught the structure, rules, and mechanics for create one.
See for yourself. Below is a log of the session. Continue reading
ChatGPT-3 Rewrites ABD Marketing Text
Introduction To This Experiment
I asked ChatGPT-3 to rephrase the first paragraph from the American Book of the Dead sales page on Gateways.
Below are the results of this endeavor. Continue reading
The Three Axioms — Rephrased by ChatGPT-3
An axiom is a self–evident statement or proposition that serves as the basis for an argument or system of belief. Axioms are assumed to be true and have not (or cannot) be proven. Basically let’s assume that these Axioms are true and see what follows from that.
Why “The Three Axioms”?
I like the dynamics of 3. Two was not enough to cover those aspects that needed covering. And if I bumped the number up to four I would have been put in the situation of making up the fourth just to fill in the number. Luckily three works just fine for me. Continue reading
Difference Between ChatGPT and ChatGPT-3
I was wondering about the difference between ChatGPT and ChatGPT-3.
I decided it would be fun to see what the two ai had to say about it. So I asked them both.
Me: I was wondering, what is the difference between ChatGPT and ChatGPT-3
Here’s their responses. Continue reading
ChatGPT Marketing Experiment #1
This is a brief experiment in the use of ChatGPT for brainstorming marketing. Personally I would give this a 5 out of 10. Neither good nor bad. Not even sure I would give it an in between. For the moment it falls in the category of “well, that happened.” Continue reading
Asking ChatGPT For Prompts
A “prompt” is the text you send to ChatGPT when making a request. “What is the definition of vivify?” is a prompt. “Write five example sentences to demonstrate the use of vivify.” is also a prompt.
Something you may or may not have thought of is: you can ask ChatGPT for help on formulating prompts.
Here’s an example.
Curious About Clear Light
Below is an extract from an email conversation regarding a few questions about the Clear Light. It is provided here for any illumination it may provide.