The Many Modules Model

I have found it useful to not consider everything that goes on in my inner world as happening in the same bucket. Lumping all observable phenomena into the same bucket simply does not capture co-existence of multiple functionally separable centers. Hence this expedition to clarify for myself the different functional areas of the HBM. Continue reading

ChatGPT Look For Loose Threads


This is a followup based on Writing For Different Age Groups.

In that blog ChatGPT wrote the following conclusion after giving me a list of age groups:

Remember that these are just suggestions, and you may need to adjust your content based on the specific needs and interests of each age group. Also, consider getting feedback from representatives of each target audience to ensure that your content is appropriate and engaging.

I’ve extracted a suggestion from ChatGPT and marked it in bold — and you may need to adjust your content based on the specific needs and interests of each age group.

In this blog we act on that suggestion. Continue reading

ChatGPT: Writing For Different Age Groups


A prompt that many people have used with ChatGPT is to request that the AI rephrase a block of text so that it is better understood by specific age groups. I call this prompting by age groups.

If you are asking ChatGPT to rephrase content so that it is better understood by a specific audience, that is a good thing. Actually asking yourself how well an audience is picking up  what you lay down is a good practice.

But, you can go one step further. Rather than asking ChatGPT to target some random age spread (9 to 12 for example) why not ask ChatGPT to tell you the age spreads that come natural to it.

That is what I do in this prompt.  Continue reading

Best Practices for Testimonials


I asked ChatGPT4 for best practices in regards to testimonials on a webpage. There might be some good ideas in this response to consider.

I found the Curate notion a good one. Go for the best, punchiest testimonials.

Also the idea of trimming long testimonials to the best parts to keep it shorter — i.e. more people will actually read it through.

At the bottom of the page I asked ChatGPT4 to trim a long testimonial.

By the way, when reading through ChatGPT4’s recommended best practices for testimonials, look for low-hanging fruit. That means start with the easiest to reach. Don’t be a silly-billy and try to do it all, all at once. Jump on the easy to do first. Who knows the first two or three suggestions you implement may get you 90 percent of the benefit. Continue reading

Social Media and Creators


I’ve been trying to settle on nomenclature related to the creation of digital content and posting of said content to any of a number of popular sites.

Since ChatGPT4 is pretty much permanently too busy to talk, I gave ChatGPT3.5 a go. Turns out he, she, they, it was able to help. (I asked ChatGPT3 which pronoun was most appropriate for an AI. After blah, blah about being an AI with no gender or preferences it got around to saying that “it” was the most common.)

Below is the conversation. Continue reading

ChatGPT: Time Saver?


Recently when creating a webpage, I checked out ChatGPT as a means to be reminded of the typical language used to make a referral for suicide prevention.

Spoiler Alert: I found some help… But, the “help” was only useful after doing a bit of fact-checking. If there is anything that looks like a fact in content provided by ChatGPT it needs to be verified.  As they say, even a blind squirrel will find a nut from time to time. However it is on you to double-check any “nut” given to you by a squirrel before biting down. Continue reading