What Really Happens When You Die?


With some poking and prodding ChatGPT4 gives us a survey of various perspectives on death and what happens after.

[Note: ChatGPT is not a scholar. Nor is it a learned individual. ChatGPT is a large language model. This means that it will give us a response created as a construction of most likely words following words following words. I haven’t put in the time to verify each and every one of the facts in this particular chat session. That means you must either take these responses with a grain of salt. Or, you should put  in the work to verify yourself. Definitely don’t take a chat AI’s word for it. For myself I have taken this as a curiosity to be explored later on my own — as I am able.] Continue reading

Granting Beingness to a Chatbot


This session with ChatGPT is a follow up to Granting Beingness To Another.

In this session we are making the case for granting beingness to another not because they have earned it or deserve it. This conditional approach if flawed. If you are in the process of assembling a parade of example from your life to illustrate some folks just plain don’t deserve this behavior, hold on to your horses. This is about something that one can use as a practice. Continue reading

ChatGPT — Thought Experiments


Working my way through this particular ChatGPT session was very much like a mash up between two different musical styles to create a piece.

I was inching my way — best I could — toward a deeper penetration of the topic. And, ChatGPT was stuck in its life coach mode.

Don’t get me wrong, ChatGPT came forth with more than a few truly juice tidbits and a nice trail of bread crumbs that could be extracted using the Gezertenplatz method.

Here is the full conversation. Continue reading

ChatGPT — Flow States


This session was long and very productive.

In these sessions I do not apply the Gezertenplatz Factor to ChatGPT’s responses. I leave them as they were given. If I was working on a play, short story, or a scholarly work I would most definitely subject the replies to scrutiny with edits, corrections, additions, deletions, the whole shebang.

But, these sessions are not me using ChatGPT as a writing tool. This is a dialogue.

However, please pay attention here, just because I do not correct the ChatGPT replies does not mean I accept and/or support them in their entirety.

You will notice that ChatGPT will occasionally slip into what I call “life coach” mode.
In any case, I find these sessions useful. I hope you do as well. Continue reading

I Will Find Love in My Life

Two Perspectives

Today’s mantra selected randomly from E.J. Gold’s 100 Thought Form mantra cards is: “I will find love in my life.”

The expression “I will find love in my life.” can be viewed from the posture of deficit in which one perceives themselves has not having love and looking for it.

Or, it can be viewed from the posture of bounty in which one perceives themselves has having love and then looking for the that which is there.

Looking for love that is not there, or looking for love that is there. These two different postures have profoundly different impact on the individual. Continue reading