Wake up. The toast doesn’t have to burn, you can get it while it is golden brown.
Apple and Google boasts that their app stores offer zillions of apps for users to select from.
Who does this benefit? It benefits Apple and Google (and whoever else is in the distribution game that I’ve neglected to mention.)
You might think it benefits the users. Yes and no. Yes, there are many apps to choose from. That is good. But, that also means tons of garbage in addition to the cherries. If somehow the market filtered out the dogs, then users would have less garbage to sift through. But, at the moment, having a zillion apps is to the advantage of Google and Apple. Later when they see sales suffer because of decreased customer inclination to purchase brought about as a result of purchase regret, then Google (for sure) will institute some kind of “app rank” that will eliminate (or push to the bottom of the list) all the dogs.
And what about developers? Continue reading