Gratitude and Thankfulness


Why did I set sail on this voyage into the nuanced differences between gratitude and thankfulness?

In working with the exercises in Gratefuling – A Stairway to Bliss, it came to my attention that focusing on memories of thankfulness were not very successful in evoking gratitude. Those memories just didn’t “get me there.”

I could feel a difference between gratitude and thankfulness. But, the exact nature of the difference eluded me.

So, I went on a short collaborative discourse with Vera da Muse – a.k.a. ChatGPT. Continue reading

About that mantra I gave you

It is not possible to be given the 100% true pronunciation of any mantra. Not anyone can do this for you. WHY? Because of how the ears work. We do not hear what is really said to us. Technically, the vibrations that come into your ear are subjected to post-processing by your brain. This post-processing is a by-product of how your ear/brain was trained to decipher sounds as a child.

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Dream-Life: A Gateway to Past Lives

I’ve been finding the Dream-Life Game to operate as a gentle gateway to past lives.

Some folks have a natural blockage to accessing past lives. This “natural blockage” can be described as a concern that when the doorway to previous incarnations is pulled ajar that one may be overwhelmed by a flood of memories. Overwhelmed by quantity, vividness, and perhaps content. I find this concern to be a quite reasonable — misguided, but definitely reasonable.

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QMV Why Use “I” When Running For Another

There was a question recently about the proper translation of the Quantum Magic Videos affirmations when doing a run for another.

“When running for myself, translating the “you” of the affirmation into “I” makes sense. That part is easy. But, when I am running for another person should this not be the person’s name — such as Susan?”

When running for another, you are running “for” the other person. One becomes a full proxy. “I embrace the Clear Light” translates as the other person embraces the Clear Light.

If you say “Susan embraces the Clear Light” the proxy connection is weakened. Using the third person reference re-enforces the notion “they are not me, I am not them.” That is why I would not do it that way.

By saying “I embrace the Clear Light” even though you clearly know you are doing all of this on behalf of Susan, that will underscore and make more real the proxy connection.

The runner and the person they run for are still individuals, but during the time of the run it is like an overlay where they both occupy the same place and experience the same things. So using “I” is most correct.

Do the run as you would do the run when running for yourself. But you are fully doing it for the other and giving the benefit to them without regard.

Here’s a link to the Quantum Magic Videos youtube channel:

Here’s a link to the QMV Facebook page:

En Español

Recientemente, se formuló una pregunta sobre la traducción correcta de las afirmaciones de Quantum Magic Videos al hacer un recorrido para los demás.

«Cuando corro para mí, traducir el “tú” de la afirmación a “yo” tiene sentido. Esa parte es fácil. Pero, cuando hago el recorrido para otra persona, ¿no debería ser este el nombre de esa persona, como Susan?»

Cuando se hace el recorrido para otro, se está haciendo el recorrido «para» la otra persona. Uno se convierte en un proxy, un representante, completo. Se traduce «recibo la Luz Clara» cuando la otra persona recibe la Luz Clara.

Si dices «Susan recibe la Luz Clara», la conexión del proxy se debilita. El uso de la referencia en tercera persona refuerza la idea de que «ellos no son yo, yo no soy ellos». Por eso no lo haría de esa manera.

Al decir «recibo la Luz Clara», aunque usted sabe claramente que está haciendo todo esto en nombre de Susan, eso subrayará y hará más real la conexión proxy.

El corredor y la persona para la que se hace el recorrido siguen siendo individuos, pero durante el tiempo del recorrido es como una capa donde ambos ocupan el mismo lugar y experimentan las mismas cosas. Así que usar «Yo» es lo más correcto.

Haz el recorrido como lo harías cuando lo haces para ti mismo. Salvo que lo estás haciendo completamente para el otro y dándole el beneficio sin más.

Aquí hay un enlace al canal de YouTube de Quantum Magic Videos:

Aquí hay un enlace a la página de Facebook de QMV:

Non-Proximate Voices

Note: The following exercises are not instructions for finding ghost whispers or any other non-proximate phenomena. Rather, it is hoped that this material will function as hints on how to look for those voices.

These instructions are hints on “how” to look, not “where” to look.

“Where” to look is left to the seeker. There are many places where one can find non-proximate voices. One such place is using the Super Beacon. However, there are many other places as well.

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What next?

Today I was asked if I had any encouraging words for someone that found themselves in the aftermath of major surgery. The condition was definitely life threatening, the surgery was very much a success. But the individual was left in a delicate situation — feeling very mortal, interrupted, on a slow mend, and seriously asking the question “What next?” Below is my response. Continue reading

Cognitive Mindful Meditation


In a recent online workshop as part of a larger topic, E.J. Gold mentioned that there are many different types of meditation. This should not have come as a surprise. When presented with the notion, it is obviously true. Of course there are many different types of meditation. Thing is, until this invisible elephant is brought to light it is all too easy to fall into the trap of treating all meditation as the same.

Well, of course they are not.

Different meditation forms can have different methods – obvious enough.

And, different meditation forms can have different goals and results – hmmm, now this is interesting to mull over once or twice.

Contrary to what this foreword may be suggesting, this article is not about the variety of meditation types. Nor is it about different possible goals and results.

I just thought it would be useful for the reader to be notified that not all meditation is the same and that, in fact, different forms of meditation can have quite different goals and aims.

This article will address one specific form of meditation – Cognitive Mindful Meditation. Continue reading