QMV Why Use “I” When Running For Another

There was a question recently about the proper translation of the Quantum Magic Videos affirmations when doing a run for another.

“When running for myself, translating the “you” of the affirmation into “I” makes sense. That part is easy. But, when I am running for another person should this not be the person’s name — such as Susan?”

When running for another, you are running “for” the other person. One becomes a full proxy. “I embrace the Clear Light” translates as the other person embraces the Clear Light.

If you say “Susan embraces the Clear Light” the proxy connection is weakened. Using the third person reference re-enforces the notion “they are not me, I am not them.” That is why I would not do it that way.

By saying “I embrace the Clear Light” even though you clearly know you are doing all of this on behalf of Susan, that will underscore and make more real the proxy connection.

The runner and the person they run for are still individuals, but during the time of the run it is like an overlay where they both occupy the same place and experience the same things. So using “I” is most correct.

Do the run as you would do the run when running for yourself. But you are fully doing it for the other and giving the benefit to them without regard.

Here’s a link to the Quantum Magic Videos youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/quantummagicvideos

Here’s a link to the QMV Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/QMVideos-658686064589297/

En Español

Recientemente, se formuló una pregunta sobre la traducción correcta de las afirmaciones de Quantum Magic Videos al hacer un recorrido para los demás.

«Cuando corro para mí, traducir el “tú” de la afirmación a “yo” tiene sentido. Esa parte es fácil. Pero, cuando hago el recorrido para otra persona, ¿no debería ser este el nombre de esa persona, como Susan?»

Cuando se hace el recorrido para otro, se está haciendo el recorrido «para» la otra persona. Uno se convierte en un proxy, un representante, completo. Se traduce «recibo la Luz Clara» cuando la otra persona recibe la Luz Clara.

Si dices «Susan recibe la Luz Clara», la conexión del proxy se debilita. El uso de la referencia en tercera persona refuerza la idea de que «ellos no son yo, yo no soy ellos». Por eso no lo haría de esa manera.

Al decir «recibo la Luz Clara», aunque usted sabe claramente que está haciendo todo esto en nombre de Susan, eso subrayará y hará más real la conexión proxy.

El corredor y la persona para la que se hace el recorrido siguen siendo individuos, pero durante el tiempo del recorrido es como una capa donde ambos ocupan el mismo lugar y experimentan las mismas cosas. Así que usar «Yo» es lo más correcto.

Haz el recorrido como lo harías cuando lo haces para ti mismo. Salvo que lo estás haciendo completamente para el otro y dándole el beneficio sin más.

Aquí hay un enlace al canal de YouTube de Quantum Magic Videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/quantummagicvideos

Aquí hay un enlace a la página de Facebook de QMV: https://www.facebook.com/QMVideos-658686064589297/

Drive-By Service

In an effort to sort out a few things concerning the nature of spiritual traditions in the current world, I’ve started a short series of blogs. They are a bit random. And, they are a bit organized. You are welcome along for the ride.

The world is a wee bit different. That should not come as a surprise. What comes as a surprise is how much of our thinking and presumptions have not been updated to take into account these differences.

Continue reading

Non-Proximate Voices

Note: The following exercises are not instructions for finding ghost whispers or any other non-proximate phenomena. Rather, it is hoped that this material will function as hints on how to look for those voices.

These instructions are hints on “how” to look, not “where” to look.

“Where” to look is left to the seeker. There are many places where one can find non-proximate voices. One such place is using the Super Beacon. However, there are many other places as well.

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The Four Lines — A Graceful Failure

In programming and web-development there is a thing called graceful failure (or graceful degradation). 

A fault-tolerant design enables a system to continue its intended operation, possibly at a reduced level, rather than failing completely, when some part of the system fails.


Let’s see how this might apply to the Four Lines from the American Book of the Dead. (also known as The Voyager’s Quatrain) Continue reading

What next?

Today I was asked if I had any encouraging words for someone that found themselves in the aftermath of major surgery. The condition was definitely life threatening, the surgery was very much a success. But the individual was left in a delicate situation — feeling very mortal, interrupted, on a slow mend, and seriously asking the question “What next?” Below is my response. Continue reading

Installing Opera 11/17

Because of a glitch in the Livestream system windows users cannot view the archives in firefox nor chrome. I have heard reports that the Microsoft browser Edge will view the archives. Don’t know myself. I never use the Microsoft browser.

I have found that Opera will play the archives just fine.

You can find the Opera browser on opera.com

Here are a few screen shots with comments to hopefully keep you from running into trouble with the install. This is not a complete set of screenshots. I did not include images for each and every step. Just the ones that I thought might be tricky for some. Continue reading

How to Navigate The Information Age

Below you’ll find a list of steps. These are a preview of methods employed in our NotBot Zombiefication Avoidance Program.

Step 0: Abandon Clearly-Defined Long-Term Goals

Because we are currently stuffed in a human-shaped meat suit, we don’t have the equipment needed to access clearly defined Spiritual goals. If, however, you manage to transcend the limitations of the human meat suit, then it is quite possible to access your long-term goals. But, until that time you would do better to work with fuzzy-defined long-term goals. Continue reading

Rumor Has It

Rumor has it that during unsettling times (such as those in which we currently find ourselves) people may be rattled free from their somnambulist sleep and step forth asking the question: “Hey I think I should be doing something, but I’m not quite sure what it is. But, it has to do with something beyond the realm of the mundane.”

If this person asking this earnest question happens to be standing in front of you looking your direction what will you do? Continue reading

The Respect Parameter in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Both VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality) have the capacity for users to create persistent content. As we move forward along the development cycle it will be only natural for this content to be shared across client software. Thus, allowing one user to view/experience the content created by another user.

This sharing of content across the user-user barrier can either be a wild west circus where everything and anything goes. Or, it will be controlled by a managed system of permissions. Continue reading

Sneaking Up

From time to time we set ourselves a goal that just plain does not come easy.  As an example of goals that people often set for themselves here is a list of Top Ten from 2015

  1. Lose Weight
  2. Getting Organized
  3. Spend Less, Save More
  4. Enjoy Life to the Fullest
  5. Staying Fit and Healthy
  6. Learn Something Exciting
  7. Quit Smoking
  8. Help Others in Their Dreams
  9. Fall in Love
  10. Spend More Time with Family

Looking at this list StatisticsBrain.com one thing that jumps out about this list is: the total lack of action steps. Okay, a few of the above will have fairly easy to create action steps. But, some of the top ten will have very elusive action steps.  In general I would expect a goal with obvious action steps to be easier to deal with. Continue reading