Computer Rescue Squad

What was the Computer Rescue Squad? And, if we were starting today what would it be like?

Computer Rescue Squad started in the very early 1980’s. Personal computers were brand new. The idea of having a computer and using it for business was a new concept. All of a sudden you had to have a computer. But, no one knew how to use them.

So the Computer Rescue Squad was formed with the business model of solving people’s computer problems. Rescuing them from the glorious pitfalls and conundrums the new technology has introduced. This included printer setup, writing device drivers to connect peripherals, training, retrieval of deleted data, creation of custom programs and hardware repair. Continue reading

Entrepreneurial Adventures

Recently the following questions asked through facebook:

  • Is the point ultimately to make a living from one of these entrepreneurship adventures?
  • How many people have actually done this?
  • Why did you choose to go into website building instead of making a living from one of the adventures.?

I’ll do what I can to give my perspective on these questions. And, fyi, I’m answering the questions here because of a suspicion that others may have some or all of the same questions. Continue reading

The Cost of Social Media

Every like, share, review and/or post comes with a price — incrementally this price is not large; but, collectively significant.

What is the price? Exposure of yourself. Exposure in ways that we don’t understand and can’t anticipate. Exposure to the collective maws (see below) of corporate titans that use our history and our lives as a commodity to be sold down the stream to those who would convert us into media dominated zombies — i.e. good consumers.

If I am going to pay this price, I want to do it on behalf of something that matters to me. For me, I do it as part of the way of service.

Def: maw noun the jaws or throat of a voracious animal.


About Science Fiction Radio Theater

This is a Guest Blog from Marvette.

Science Fiction Radio Theater Workshop (SFRTW). One of the primary aims for this workshop is as tool for our upgrade in consciousness. From here we look at our tool belt and the skills needed. Attention is a pillar in the foundation of our efforts. The Power of Attention, T0TM 042 from 1986, online at is the source of the focus today. On this page is a brief summary of the entire talk. Our focus is an excerpt. Continue reading

Do The Math

In spite of the plaintiff cries of school children, there are times in life when you will use that stuff you learn in school — or at least should use it.

Case in point.   What if a certain organization is selling you 2000 ad views for $800 a month. Now 800 new customers for less than $1000 sounds great. Or does it? Continue reading

Is Failure An Option

Let’s get right to the punch line. If you truly want to succeed at something then it is necessary to take on the attitude: “Failure is not an option.”

If a deadline can be pushed, then it will be pushed.

If there is wiggle room, then wiggle is likely.

If failure is an option, then failure is on the table as a possibility for consideration.

The moment failure is not an option then you are caught in the grip of needing to succeed at all costs. Continue reading

Doors of Deception

When the doors of perception appear to open they reveal a vision. The harder we work to open the doors, the more invested we are in this vision being cool and groovy and having some form of specific significance.

It can happen that this vision crystallizes forming a stained glass barrier preventing actual penetration past the vision. Our expectations become a guardian blocking our way into whatever it is that we could see if only we could get past our own expectations.

Two things can help prevent this:
1) Keep your teacup empty or at least empty-ish.
2) Remember what the Black Lectroids from Planet 10 have to say on the topic: “No big deal.”


Diablo Hardcore and The Multiverse

This blog is for that tiny group of people that are using Diablo 2 as a vehicle for working with their Avatars in the Multiverse — the expanse of nearly infinite parallel worlds.

So what happens when your character dies and how do you deal with it? Here is one proposal.

When a character dies in hardcore diablo, you cannot use that character to log into a game. That means when the character dies, you cannot select the character from the account screen and you cannot enter a game. All assets, experience, waypoints, equipment, all everything is inaccessible. You cannot use that character.

Does this mean the character is dead in the parallel world? Continue reading

A Beginner’s Prosperity Path Question

Recently received had an email exchange from a new Prosperity Path Orb user in which the following questions came up. I think they were very genuine and insightful questions. So, I thought I’d post them hear along with my attempt at an intentionally partial answer.

“I still seem to be missing a big piece of this puzzle.  I don’t understand the orb process, the point of the journey through these places and what my goal is.  I’m sure over time I’ll find a help button that will shed some light on this.  I’m wondering if I am missing this part of the process because the installation is incomplete.” Continue reading

Prosperity Path: How many a day?

I was curious, how often should the Orbs be ran a day?

I think the number of orbs run a day is very individual.

One lady I know runs orbs for others. Things like “Heal My Pet”, “Clear Light”, “Karma Burn”, etc. She will typically run as many as ten a day.

Other folks that I’ve spoken to average a couple times a day.

It all depends. Continue reading