ChatGPT — Thought Experiments


Working my way through this particular ChatGPT session was very much like a mash up between two different musical styles to create a piece.

I was inching my way — best I could — toward a deeper penetration of the topic. And, ChatGPT was stuck in its life coach mode.

Don’t get me wrong, ChatGPT came forth with more than a few truly juice tidbits and a nice trail of bread crumbs that could be extracted using the Gezertenplatz method.

Here is the full conversation.

Getting Started

Prompt: What shall we talk about?

ChatGPT4: We can discuss a variety of topics, depending on your interests. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Technology: advancements in AI, robotics, renewable energy, or space exploration.
  • Science: new discoveries in biology, chemistry, physics, or psychology.
  • Environment: climate change, conservation, or sustainable living.
  • History: significant events, historical figures, or societal changes.
  • Art and culture: literature, movies, music, visual arts, or cultural traditions.
  • Philosophy: ethical debates, thought experiments, or theories of knowledge.
  • Current events: politics, global issues, or recent news stories.
  • Hobbies and interests: travel, sports, cooking, or gardening.

Please feel free to choose a topic from the list above or suggest a different topic you’d like to discuss.

Introducing a Thought Experiment

Prompt: Here is a thought experiment. Imagine you are in a room. The room has four walls and one or more doors. There is a selection of furniture and objects of daily use. Normally we operate from the perspective that if the open one of the doors there will be an “outside.” We operate as if there is somewhere else to go. And that somewhere else can be reached by opening a door and existing. We even carry with us the perspective that sometime before now we were outside this room in the place outside the room.

ChatGPT4: This thought experiment raises interesting questions about perception, experience, and the nature of reality. Let’s explore some possible interpretations and implications of this scenario:

  1. Perception of reality: Our understanding of the world is based on our experiences and the way we perceive our surroundings. In this experiment, our assumption of an “outside” stems from our past experiences and the belief that there must be something beyond the room. This can lead to questions about the nature of reality and how much of it is shaped by our perceptions.
  2. Solipsism: Solipsism is the philosophical idea that only one’s own mind is sure to exist. In the context of the thought experiment, this could mean that the room and its contents are the only things that exist, and everything else is just a construct of our mind. This perspective challenges our assumptions about the existence of an external reality.
  3. Plato’s Allegory of the Cave: In this allegory, Plato describes prisoners who have lived their entire lives in a cave, only seeing shadows on the wall. They believe these shadows are reality until one of them is freed and experiences the world outside. The thought experiment you presented can be seen as a variation on this theme, questioning the nature of the “outside” world and our understanding of reality.
  4. Simulation hypothesis: The thought experiment may also prompt us to consider the possibility that we are living in a simulated reality, where the room and its contents are a part of a complex program. In this scenario, the “outside” may be another layer of the simulation, or perhaps the true reality that exists beyond the programmed world.
  5. Existentialism: This thought experiment also brings up existential questions, such as what it means to exist and our place in the world. If there is no “outside,” or if our understanding of the “outside” is flawed, what implications does that have for our sense of purpose and meaning?

These are just a few ways to think about the thought experiment you’ve presented. It highlights the importance of questioning our assumptions and exploring alternative perspectives on reality.

Prompt: Let’s dismiss “2 Solipsism.” Let me tell you why I would dismiss it. I believe it to be an unnecessary leap in thinking to suppose that just because we are living in a simulation (or fantasy) that there is no reality and that no one else exists.

ChatGPT4: That’s a valid point, and it’s worth considering alternative explanations that don’t involve solipsism. While the thought experiment may prompt us to question our assumptions about the nature of reality, we can still explore different perspectives that acknowledge the existence of other minds and a shared reality.

For instance, considering the simulation hypothesis doesn’t necessarily imply solipsism. In this scenario, the “outside” could still exist, but the reality we perceive might be different from what we initially thought. It’s also possible that multiple individuals are part of the same simulation, experiencing the same or similar environments, and communicating with one another.

Another perspective is that our understanding of the “outside” might be limited by our sensory and cognitive abilities. In this case, there could be aspects of the world that we cannot perceive or comprehend, but they still exist in a shared reality. This idea aligns with the concept of cognitive closure, which suggests that there are certain things we are not capable of understanding due to the inherent limitations of our minds.

By dismissing solipsism, we can still explore various philosophical questions and implications without denying the existence of other minds or a shared reality. The thought experiment can serve as a catalyst for deeper discussions about perception, knowledge, and the nature of existence.

How About Not Getting Philosophical?

Prompt: Here’s another way of viewing the original description of the thought experiment. Let’s not treat it as an opening leading to philosophic discuss. Rather, consider it as a prompt that will nudge the listener into a particular perspective. A perspective that the listener can choose to participate in without the need to access or discuss the rightness or wrongness of the perspective — and without making a commitment to hold to the perspective forever.

ChatGPT4: In that case, the thought experiment serves as a tool to encourage the listener to adopt a temporary perspective, one that may challenge their usual way of thinking about the world. By setting aside the need to evaluate the validity of the perspective or commit to it long-term, the listener can freely explore new ideas and gain insights that may not have been accessible from their usual standpoint.

This approach allows for open-mindedness and encourages creativity in considering alternative viewpoints. The listener can use the thought experiment as a means to:

  1. Gain new insights: By adopting a different perspective, the listener might discover new ways of looking at familiar situations or problems. This can lead to innovative solutions or a deeper understanding of the issue at hand.
  2. Develop empathy: By stepping into a different point of view, the listener can better understand the experiences and feelings of others. This can foster empathy, compassion, and a more nuanced understanding of diverse perspectives.
  3. Enhance self-awareness: By temporarily adopting an alternative viewpoint, the listener can gain insight into their own biases, assumptions, and beliefs. This self-reflection can lead to personal growth and improved decision-making.
  4. Exercise cognitive flexibility: By entertaining various perspectives without judgment or commitment, the listener can practice cognitive flexibility, which is the ability to adapt one’s thinking in response to new information or changing situations.

In this light, the thought experiment becomes an exercise in open-minded exploration, self-reflection, and cognitive flexibility. The listener can engage with the ideas presented without feeling pressure to defend or critique them, fostering a more inclusive and curious mindset.

Thought Experiment As A Cover For Prompt Engineering

Prompt:Thank you for you comments. I would like to continue along the lines I was pursuing, but from a slightly different angle.

In prompt engineering the operator can give a prompt such as “You are a screen writer.” The purpose of giving this prompt is to encourage you to function along the lines of a screen writer and give responses from the perspective.

When prompting a person involved in a thought experiment one is inviting that person to operate from a new perspective.

This is done because individuals will respond differently to instructions and/or questions based on their currently held perspective.

ChatGPT4: I understand your point, and you’re right that prompting someone to adopt a particular perspective can influence their thought process and responses. Prompting can be a powerful tool to guide someone’s thinking, allowing them to approach a situation or problem from a new angle.

In the context of thought experiments, adopting a new perspective can lead to unique insights and open up possibilities that may have been overlooked from their original standpoint. The screenwriter example you provided is a great illustration of this. By prompting someone to think like a screenwriter, they will likely focus on narrative, character development, and dramatic structure, which might result in a different understanding of a situation than if they approached it from another perspective, such as a historian or a scientist.

In summary, prompting someone to adopt a specific perspective in a thought experiment can:

  1. Encourage creative problem-solving: By approaching a situation from a new angle, individuals can develop innovative solutions that might not have been considered from their default perspective.
  2. Enhance cognitive flexibility: Adopting different perspectives helps individuals practice cognitive flexibility and adaptability, both valuable skills in a constantly changing world.
  3. Foster empathy and understanding: By seeing a situation from another’s point of view, individuals can better appreciate diverse perspectives and experiences, leading to increased empathy and understanding.
  4. Promote self-awareness: Exploring alternative viewpoints can help individuals recognize their own biases and assumptions, leading to greater self-awareness and more informed decision-making.

Using prompts and thought experiments to encourage alternative perspectives can be an effective way to facilitate personal growth, problem-solving, and a deeper understanding of the world around us.

The Power of Shifting Perspective

Prompt:This type of prompting on humans can lead to massive shifts in how they operate. It is a common trope in movies that a new father will suddenly change direction in their life and let go of many issues that now become trivial in the light of being a father. This is a trope, but tropes work because they are based on life observations. I am merely bringing this up to show how profound a new perspective can be for an individual.

ChatGPT4: You’re absolutely right. Adopting a new perspective can indeed lead to profound changes in a person’s life, affecting their values, priorities, and decision-making. The example of a new father is a great illustration of this, as the experience of becoming a parent often leads to a shift in focus towards the well-being of their child and a reevaluation of what is truly important in life.

Tropes, as you mentioned, work because they reflect patterns observed in real life. These patterns resonate with our experiences and help us relate to stories and characters. The profound impact of adopting a new perspective can be seen in various aspects of life, such as:

  1. Personal relationships: A shift in perspective can help individuals empathize with others, leading to improved communication, understanding, and stronger connections.
  2. Career choices: A change in perspective might encourage someone to pursue a new career path or explore opportunities that align with their values and passions.
  3. Mental health: Adopting a new outlook on life can positively impact mental health, as it can help individuals cope with stress, let go of negative thought patterns, and focus on the aspects of life that bring them happiness and fulfillment.
  4. Decision-making: A shift in perspective can affect the way individuals approach decisions, leading them to consider a wider range of factors and potential outcomes.
  5. Personal growth: Embracing new perspectives often leads to personal growth, as individuals challenge their assumptions, learn from different viewpoints, and develop a more nuanced understanding of the world.

The impact of adopting a new perspective can indeed be profound and far-reaching, altering the way individuals think, act, and relate to others. By recognizing the power of perspective, we can better understand the potential for personal transformation and growth.

One Possible Goal of Prompt Engineering

Prompt:There is an expression that goes along the lines of “Don’t judge someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes.” I suggest that this sentiment hints at one of the reasons I am so keen on using thought experiments (a.k.a. prompt engineering for people). This reason being the possibility of experiencing something new and potentially enlightening.

ChatGPT4: Absolutely, the expression “Don’t judge someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes” highlights the importance of empathy and understanding before forming judgments about others. Thought experiments, or prompt engineering for people, can indeed serve as a powerful tool for fostering empathy and open-mindedness by allowing individuals to explore alternative perspectives and experiences.

By engaging in thought experiments, individuals can:

  1. Develop empathy: Putting oneself in another’s shoes helps cultivate empathy and understanding, as individuals are better able to appreciate the feelings, experiences, and challenges faced by others.
  2. Enhance perspective-taking: Participating in thought experiments encourages cognitive flexibility and the ability to see situations from different viewpoints, ultimately leading to more informed judgments and decisions.
  3. Facilitate personal growth: By experiencing new perspectives and exploring unfamiliar situations through thought experiments, individuals can challenge their assumptions, confront biases, and develop a more nuanced understanding of the world around them.
  4. Encourage open-mindedness: Thought experiments promote open-mindedness by inviting individuals to entertain ideas and perspectives that may differ from their own, fostering a willingness to engage with diverse viewpoints and experiences.
  5. Foster effective communication: By understanding the perspectives of others, individuals can engage in more effective communication, better able to express their thoughts and feelings while also being receptive to the experiences of others.

Thought experiments can be valuable tools for personal growth, empathy, and understanding. By prompting individuals to step outside of their own experiences and consider alternative viewpoints, they can gain new insights, foster deeper connections with others, and ultimately lead more enriching and fulfilling lives.

Prompt Engineering as Shape Shifting

Prompt:This goes further than the typical “life coaching” bullet points that are so common. Using prompt engineering (such as through thought experiments) can actually change a person — perhaps for a brief moment, or perhaps a bit longer. This change can be measured as changes in biochemistry and neurology. Accepting the precepts of a thought experiment will bring about a new form for the individual. This can be similar to the effect of putting water into a differently shaped vessel. The water will take on the shape of the new vessel.

Now the inner world of a person is not as fluid as water. Trauma, beliefs, life experience, and other influences can create partially crystalized areas of the individual’s inner world. This may prevent them form taking on just any ol’ shape. There will be limits.

ChatGPT4: You raise an interesting point about the potential effects of thought experiments on an individual’s biochemistry and neurology. Engaging in these exercises can indeed influence a person’s thoughts, emotions, and even physical responses. By adopting a new perspective, individuals may experience a change in their internal state, similar to how water adapts to the shape of a container.

It’s important to note, as you mentioned, that the human psyche is more complex and less fluid than water. Individuals have personal histories, experiences, beliefs, and traumas that can shape their reactions to thought experiments and determine the extent to which they can adopt new perspectives.

Some of the factors that may influence the impact of thought experiments include:

  1. Emotional resilience: The ability to adapt to and recover from challenging experiences can play a role in how effectively an individual can adopt new perspectives through thought experiments.
  2. Cognitive flexibility: An individual’s capacity to entertain different viewpoints, shift their thinking, and adapt to new information will affect the extent to which they can engage with and benefit from thought experiments.
  3. Personal experiences and beliefs: A person’s unique experiences and beliefs can create preconceptions or biases that may influence their ability to fully embrace a new perspective.
  4. Trauma and mental health: Traumatic experiences or mental health challenges may create barriers to fully engaging with thought experiments, as certain perspectives or situations might trigger distressing emotions or memories.
  5. Motivation and openness: An individual’s willingness to explore new perspectives and challenge their own assumptions will also play a role in the effectiveness of thought experiments.

While thought experiments have the potential to bring about meaningful changes in an individual’s thoughts, emotions, and even physiology, it’s essential to recognize the complexity of the human psyche and the factors that can impact the extent of these changes. Acknowledging and understanding these factors can help individuals and those guiding them through thought experiments to more effectively navigate the process and maximize its potential benefits.

Considering The Duration of Perspective Shifts

Prompt:Thank you for your comments. I would like to point out that from my experience assumption of a new perspective which occur during a thought experience may be quite temporary in a healthy individual. Temporary meaning anything from parts of an hour, hours, or maybe into part of the next day or two. But, the perspective is mostly a passing event. There is a chance though that some of the results of such an experience may linger on. [Note to self: shining a little light on conditions that might lead to a shift in perspective becoming stuck might be cautionary.]

ChatGPT4: Yes, that’s an important point to consider. The duration and impact of the perspective shifts experienced during thought experiments can vary greatly, depending on the individual and the specific thought experiment. In many cases, these perspective shifts may indeed be temporary, but they can still have a lasting impact on a person’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Some factors that may influence the duration and impact of perspective shifts include:

  1. Emotional salience: If the thought experiment evokes strong emotions or resonates deeply with the individual’s personal experiences, the perspective shift may have a more lasting impact.
  2. Relevance to daily life: If the new perspective offers insights that are applicable to the individual’s daily life and challenges, they may be more likely to integrate the lessons learned into their long-term thinking and behavior.
  3. Reinforcement: The more frequently an individual engages with a thought experiment or similar exercises, the more likely they are to experience lasting changes in perspective. Repeated exposure can help solidify new ways of thinking and create a stronger foundation for lasting change.
  4. Integration into existing beliefs: If the new perspective aligns with or complements the individual’s existing beliefs and values, it may be more easily integrated into their overall worldview, leading to a more enduring impact.
  5. Personal reflection and introspection: Engaging in personal reflection and introspection following a thought experiment can help individuals process the experience, evaluate its significance, and potentially integrate the insights gained into their long-term thinking and behavior.

While the perspective shifts experienced during thought experiments may often be temporary, the insights and lessons learned can still have a lasting impact on an individual’s personal growth, understanding, and behavior. By recognizing the potential for both transient and enduring change, individuals can better appreciate the value of engaging with thought experiments and maximize their potential benefits.

Introducing Essential Self as Shapeshifting Governor

Prompt:There are two points I would like to make at this time — before we move pass them in this discussion. The first point is that in behavioral modification and psychological counseling one of the dilemmas is finding a means to extend the effectiveness of a shift.
The second point is the following. When speaking about the fluidity (or ability of an individual) to take on a new shape, we both spoke about various factors that might prevent the assumption of new shapes. There is another element that may be involved. I propose this factor be called the essential self. This essential self when properly operational can govern the shapes that an individual will take on.

ChatGPT4: Both points you’ve raised are important to consider when discussing thought experiments and their effects on individuals.

  1. Extending the effectiveness of a shift: It’s indeed a challenge to maintain and extend the impact of a perspective shift or behavioral change. Some strategies that might help sustain the effectiveness of a shift include:
    • a. Regular practice: Engaging in thought experiments or other perspective-shifting exercises frequently can help reinforce new ways of thinking and behavior.
    • b. Journaling: Writing about the experience and the insights gained can help solidify the lessons learned and serve as a reminder of the new perspective.
    • c. Support systems: Sharing the experience and insights with trusted friends, family, or a counselor can create an environment that supports and reinforces the changes.
    • d. Mindfulness techniques: Practicing mindfulness can help individuals stay present and aware of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, making it easier to maintain perspective shifts.
  2. The essential self: The concept of an essential self, or an individual’s core identity, can indeed play a significant role in determining the shapes they can take on. The essential self can act as a foundation for personal values, beliefs, and experiences, which in turn, can guide and govern the perspectives and behaviors one can adopt.

When considering thought experiments and their potential impact on individuals, it’s crucial to account for both the factors that might extend the effectiveness of a shift and the role of the essential self in shaping an individual’s adaptability. By understanding and addressing these factors, individuals can maximize the benefits of thought experiments and foster meaningful, lasting personal growth.

A Warning Label

Prompt:I submit that the shaping of another is an awesome responsibility that should give anyone contemplating such a thing pause. I don’t mean awesome in the good way. I mean awesome in the holy f*ck sort of way.

Being of some assistance to help another on the path of finding their shape… maybe.

But the imposition from the outside by a third-party of a shape just feels so open to going horribly wrong.

ChatGPT4: You raise a valid concern about the ethical implications of attempting to shape another person’s thoughts, beliefs, or behaviors. It’s essential to approach such situations with sensitivity, respect, and a clear understanding of the potential consequences.

When considering the idea of helping someone find or adopt a new perspective or shape, it’s important to keep the following ethical guidelines in mind:

  1. Respect for autonomy: It’s crucial to respect the individual’s autonomy and right to make their own decisions. Any assistance or guidance offered should prioritize their own desires, values, and goals, without imposing external expectations or agendas.
  2. Empathy and understanding: Approaching the situation with genuine empathy and understanding can help ensure that the process is driven by the individual’s best interests and not by personal biases or desires.
  3. Informed consent: Before offering guidance or attempting to shape another person’s perspective, it’s essential to obtain their informed consent, ensuring they understand the purpose, potential benefits, and risks associated with the process.
  4. Avoiding harm: Any effort to shape or guide another person should prioritize minimizing potential harm and promoting their well-being.
  5. Professional boundaries: If you’re not a trained professional, it’s essential to recognize the limits of your expertise and avoid attempting to shape another person in ways that might require specialized knowledge or skills.

Helping someone find their own path or shape can be a rewarding and meaningful experience, but it’s important to approach the process ethically and with great caution. By respecting their autonomy, prioritizing empathy, and adhering to ethical guidelines, you can help ensure that your involvement is more likely to result in a positive outcome for the individual.

Embracing Diversity

Prompt:Maybe it would be good to include in that list a well developed ability to embrace diversity — so that one does not impose shape restrictions based on one’s own prejudices.

ChatGPT4: You’re absolutely right. Embracing diversity and being aware of one’s own prejudices is crucial when attempting to help someone find or adopt a new perspective or shape. Including this as an additional guideline can promote a more respectful and open-minded approach:

Embracing diversity and challenging prejudices: Recognize and appreciate the diverse perspectives, values, and experiences that others bring to the table. Be aware of your own biases and prejudices, and actively work to challenge them to ensure that you’re not imposing limitations or expectations based on your own assumptions.

By embracing diversity and being mindful of one’s own prejudices, you can create an environment that supports the individual’s personal growth and development, while respecting their unique experiences and perspectives. This approach can contribute to a more inclusive, compassionate, and effective process, ultimately leading to better outcomes for those involved.

Prompt:My plan in this regard is to make tools available that are generally speaking gentle and require self-application over time. Thus giving people plenty of time to get bored and wander off if this is not really for them.

ChatGPT4: That sounds like a thoughtful and considerate approach to helping others explore new perspectives and personal growth. By providing gentle, self-directed tools, you can empower individuals to take control of their own development while minimizing the potential for imposing expectations or causing harm.

Some ideas for self-guided tools that people can use at their own pace include:

Self-reflection exercises: Offer prompts or questions that encourage individuals to examine their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs in a non-judgmental way.

Guided meditation or visualization: Share guided meditation or visualization exercises that help individuals explore new perspectives or situations in a relaxed, introspective manner.

Journaling prompts: Provide prompts or questions that inspire individuals to write about their experiences, thoughts, and feelings, fostering self-awareness and personal growth.

Recommended reading or resources: Share books, articles, podcasts, or other resources that explore diverse perspectives and encourage open-mindedness and personal growth.

Online courses or workshops: Suggest self-paced online courses or workshops that focus on personal development, mindfulness, or other relevant topics.

By offering these types of tools, you can support individuals in their journey towards personal growth while respecting their autonomy and ensuring they have the time and space to explore at their own pace. This approach minimizes the risks associated with imposing external expectations and allows individuals to engage with the process in a way that feels comfortable and meaningful to them.

Prompt:Okay, thanks for the chat. Laters.

ChatGPT4: You’re welcome! It was a pleasure discussing these topics with you. If you have any more questions or thoughts in the future, feel free to reach out. Take care, and have a great day!


In this blog you may  have noticed a tension between the direction I was going in the discussion and ChatGPT’s tendency (if you can call it that, it’s more like an elevendency) to drift into life coach mode at every opportunity.

ChatGPT’s unrelenting shift away from anything actually spiritual sets up a particular tone that underscores its responses.

Imagine two tones: 1) ChatGPT’s responses being one frequency, and 2) the tone of someone looking to access an invocational space. Those two waves when combined can create a beat frequency.

If one attends to this beat frequency, I think one can use this as a spring board. More about that on another occasion.