Why Gratefuling?


Gratefuling is a made up word. I know, because I made it up.

In this blog you’ll find a transcript from a conversation I had with ChatGPT on the topic of gratefuling.

Me and the AI Chat About Gratefuling

Me: I am making up a new word “gratefuling”. It is a verb meaning to voluntarize the experience of being grateful without a target or reason.

ChatGPT4: That’s a fascinating concept! So “gratefuling” would mean actively cultivating a sense of gratitude or thankfulness, without necessarily having a specific thing or person to be grateful for. This act could be very beneficial for mental health, as many studies show that practicing gratitude can lead to greater happiness and well-being.

You could use the term in various contexts, such as:

  • I start each day by gratefuling, taking a moment to feel a sense of appreciation that arises from within.

  • She was having a difficult time, so she decided to practice gratefuling to help shift her mindset.

  • The meditation instructor encouraged us to spend a few minutes each day gratefuling as a part of our routine.

Remember, as you introduce a new word into your vocabulary or writings, you might need to provide a definition or context for people to understand its intended meaning. With time, if used consistently and by others, it could gain wider recognition.

Me: Reading what you have written so far, it appears that you have a good understanding of where I am trying to go with this concept of gratefuling. I would love to have a few explanations of gratefuling based on age group. Maybe child, young adult, and adult.

ChatGPT4: Absolutely, I’d be happy to help create explanations of “gratefuling” tailored to different age groups.

  • Child: Imagine you’re playing with your favorite toy or eating your favorite ice cream, and you feel really happy. Now, think about feeling that happy, even when you’re not playing or eating ice cream, just because you’re happy to be you. That’s what gratefuling is – feeling thankful for everything, even if there isn’t a specific reason!

  • Young Adult: You know how sometimes you feel really thankful when someone does something nice for you, or when something good happens? Gratefuling is like that feeling, but it doesn’t need a reason. It’s like turning on your favorite song, not because you’re celebrating something, but just because it makes you feel good. So gratefuling is about learning to turn on that feeling of thankfulness in your mind, no matter what your day is like.

  • Adult: Gratefuling is the active process of cultivating a sense of gratitude without a direct cause or reason. It’s about voluntarily embracing thankfulness as a mindset rather than as a response. Much like meditating or mindfulness, it’s a practice you undertake intentionally. So you could be having a tough day at work, dealing with everyday stress, but still find space for gratefuling – making the conscious choice to tap into a sense of gratitude, without needing a specific positive event or person to be grateful for.

Remember, these are general guides and people at any age might understand different explanations better, depending on their personal experiences and perspectives.

Me: Those are good. Thank you. How about approaching this from another angle. Introduce gratefuling in the fashion of neuroscientist, a mystic, a psychologist, then a common sense grandma that we all love.

ChatGPT4: Absolutely, let’s consider “gratefuling” from these various perspectives:

  • Neuroscientist: The act of gratefuling can be seen as a form of cognitive training that promotes a positive affective state. Regularly engaging in this practice can strengthen the neural pathways associated with positive emotions and resilience. Like how physical exercise strengthens muscles, the mental “workout” of gratefuling may enhance brain structures involved in regulating emotions, fostering empathy, and improving overall well-being.

  • Mystic: Gratefuling is an act of connecting with the divine essence within us all. It is a form of spiritual practice that transcends the physical realm. By evoking a sense of gratitude without any particular reason, we open ourselves up to the infinite abundance of the universe, aligning our inner selves with the universal spirit of gratitude and love that permeates all existence.

  • Psychologist: Gratefuling is a positive psychological intervention that aims to foster a sense of general gratitude. It’s not unlike other techniques, such as cognitive reframing, which aim to shift a person’s mental perspective to encourage more positive thoughts and emotions. By practicing gratefuling, individuals may improve their overall mood, increase their resilience to stress, and potentially enhance their sense of life satisfaction and self-esteem.

  • Common-sense Grandma: Gratefuling is a bit like stopping to smell the roses. It doesn’t matter if someone gave you those roses or if there are even any roses around. It’s just taking a moment to be thankful for the beauty in your life, even when things are tough. Just like how a splash of cold water can wake you up, gratefuling can clear your mind and heart, letting you see all the good things around you that you might have been taking for granted.

Each of these viewpoints brings a unique perspective to the concept of gratefuling, reflecting the multifaceted nature of gratitude itself.

Me: Yes, they each have something important to say.

ChatGPT4: I’m glad you found these perspectives valuable! Your concept of “gratefuling” is indeed very rich and can be approached from various angles. It demonstrates how gratitude is not just a simple emotion, but a complex and multifaceted process that can have a profound impact on our lives.

Summation of the above chat

If you find (as do I) the conversation with the AI interesting and stimulating keep one thing in mind. Chat AI are actually “Large Language Models.” LLM are designed to string words together as if they were Lego bricks. The resulting sentences and paragraphs may sound most excellent. Or, the results of this word string can be simple prattle. None of that matters.

Gratefuling is the deliberate, intentional, manifestation of gratitude without the chains of needing a reason or a target for the gratitude.

Once you are able to bask in that gratitude at will, you can learn everything you need to know about gratitude without the need for words.