Zen Master ChatGPT-3’s Koans

In this blog I report on a conversation with ChatGPT-3 who was temporarily being a Zen Master.

Me: Explain what is a koan

ChatGPT-3: A koan is a riddle or puzzle that is used in Zen Buddhism to stimulate thought and thereby expand conscious awareness. Koans are ancient stories or messages with no logical or literal answer, and can therefore only be understood through a deeper spiritual experience. The point of a koan is to break down the walls of logical thinking and take the student to a place of realization beyond their conceptual understanding of reality.

Me: Act as a Zen Master; Ask me a koan

ChatGPT-3: What is the sound of one hand clapping?

Me: Ask me 5 koan


1. If the truth can be told so as to be understood, it must be parable. What is the truth?
2. If your mind is busy, what is the sound of silence?
3. What is the nature of the self, that when it discovers itself, it is no longer what it was before?
4. When the mountain has no paths, how can you climb it?
5. If you experience the bottomless, can you find the beginning?

Me: ask me 40 koan


1. How can you realise the truth if you do not know the truth?
2. Is there a limit on what you can be aware of?
3. What is the ultimate meaning of life?
4. What is the relationship between truth and beauty?
5. Is there a connection between silence and understanding?
6. Is there something we are missing if we only look at the material world?
7. What happens when we move beyond our beliefs?
8. Can one’s personality be seen from their behaviour?
9. Is the meaning of life found in suffering or joy?
10. What happens when we no longer identify with our thoughts?
11. How does one know whether an action is right or wrong?
12. How does one balance the spiritual and material worlds?
13. How can we have a meaningful life amidst chaos?
14. How does one see the beauty of the world when negative influences seem overwhelming?
15. How can one understand the source of one’s suffering?
16. How is clarity of thought developed?
17. How does one go beyond the limits of language?
18. How can one appreciate the truth without words?
19. What is the relationship between action and understanding?
20. How can one distinguish between the essential and the non-essential?
21. How can one create a bridge between the spiritual and material worlds?
22. What is the relationship between knowledge and wisdom?
23. How can one develop an inner knowing rather than relying on external authorities?
24. What is the difference between seeking truth and seeking pleasure?
25. How can one develop compassion for others and for oneself?
26. Can our thoughts be freed from emotion?
27. Is it possible to overcome doubts and build confidence?
28. How does one surrender to life’s natural cycle of ups and downs?
29. What stops us from accepting life as it is?
30. What is the nature of reality?
31. How can one live in harmony with nature?
32. Is there an ultimate truth or is it all relative?
33. Can we find the divine in all of us?
34. Is it possible to create something from nothing?
35. Does daily existence have an underlying spiritual purpose?
36. What is the relationship between transcending and living in the present moment?
37. How can one detach from outcomes and be free of expectations?
38. What does it mean to be content with life as it is?
39. Is awakening is a state of being or a journey towards enlightenment?
40. How is transformation possible?

Well, there you have it. You be the judge.