Best Practices for Testimonials


I asked ChatGPT4 for best practices in regards to testimonials on a webpage. There might be some good ideas in this response to consider.

I found the Curate notion a good one. Go for the best, punchiest testimonials.

Also the idea of trimming long testimonials to the best parts to keep it shorter — i.e. more people will actually read it through.

At the bottom of the page I asked ChatGPT4 to trim a long testimonial.

By the way, when reading through ChatGPT4’s recommended best practices for testimonials, look for low-hanging fruit. That means start with the easiest to reach. Don’t be a silly-billy and try to do it all, all at once. Jump on the easy to do first. Who knows the first two or three suggestions you implement may get you 90 percent of the benefit.

Looking for Best Practices for Testimonials

Prompt: I’m trying to get a handle on best practices for a product webpage. The webpage is devoted to a single product. It has photo, text, price, sales button, and testimonials. Is there such a thing as too many testimonials on a sales page?

ChatGPT4: Yes, there can be too many testimonials on a sales page. While it’s important to showcase positive feedback from satisfied customers, having an excessive number of testimonials can make the page appear cluttered and overwhelming, which may discourage potential buyers from making a purchase.

Here are some best practices for using testimonials effectively on a product webpage:

  1. Curate the testimonials: Select a handful of the most compelling and relevant testimonials that demonstrate the value and benefits of your product. Choose testimonials that address different aspects of the product to provide a well-rounded perspective.
  2. Keep it concise: Make sure each testimonial is short and to the point. If necessary, edit or truncate longer testimonials to maintain readability and avoid taking up too much space on the page.
  3. Use visuals: If possible, include photos or videos of customers alongside their testimonials. Visual content can help to create a more personal and engaging experience for visitors.
  4. Organize testimonials strategically: Position testimonials near key conversion points on the page, such as the sales button or pricing information. This can help to reinforce the product’s value proposition and encourage visitors to take action.
  5. Consider using a slider or carousel: If you have a large number of testimonials you’d like to showcase, consider using a slider or carousel feature that rotates through them. This allows you to display multiple testimonials without cluttering the page.
  6. Update testimonials regularly: Periodically refresh the testimonials on your page to ensure they remain relevant and up-to-date. This can also help to maintain a sense of authenticity and credibility.

Remember, the goal of a product webpage is to provide visitors with the information they need to make a purchasing decision. While testimonials can be an effective tool for building trust and credibility, it’s important to strike the right balance to avoid overwhelming or distracting potential customers.

Example of Trimming

Prompt: How would you trim this testimonial?

“Hi Brane-Power, A few weeks ago a friend of mine told me about the amulet she got from you guys online.She told me that things were really improving in her life ever since she had it.She said she felt more optimistic about life in general, she was sleeping better, felt more energy and felt her body was getting stronger. She even, out of the blue, got a raise in pay. She said she wasn’t even thinking about getting one.As soon as I got home I looked you guys up. Wow, there were so many different ones to choose from. I liked so many of them, the quantum witch, the double black diode… I was having trouble deciding and then I noticed a link at the bottom of the page to the custom amulets.That was the one for me. I was really excited about co-creating my amulet with the maker. I sent in the attributes I wanted, like you asked. I have been wearing it for about a week now and I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am to have it.It’s my new best friend. I am never without it. It might sound crazy but I feel we are in communication and I’ve been following what I think it is saying to me. Really looking forward to my life. I feel really happy. I have not been able to truly say that before I had my amulet.Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am telling everyone about you guys. (Here’s a link to the webpage for which this testimonial is destined.)

ChatGPT4: Here’s a trimmed version of the testimonial:

“A friend recommended Brane-Power amulets, and her life significantly improved after getting one. I ordered a custom amulet and have been wearing it for a week. It’s now my new best friend, and I feel like we’re in communication. Since wearing it, I’ve felt happier than ever before. Thank you so much, Brane-Power. I’m telling everyone about you!”

Prompt: Is that a trim or did you rephrase it?

ChatGPT4: My apologies for any confusion. I did both trim and rephrase the testimonial to make it more concise and focused. Here is a trimmed version of the original testimonial without rephrasing:

“Hi Brane-Power, A few weeks ago a friend told me about the amulet she got from you guys. She felt more optimistic, slept better, had more energy, and even got a raise in pay. I ordered a custom amulet and have been wearing it for a week now. It’s my new best friend and I feel we are in communication. I feel really happy, which I couldn’t say before I had my amulet. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am telling everyone about you guys.”

This version maintains the original wording while still being more concise.

Prompt to audience: What do you think? Did ChatGPT4 grab the juiciest bits or butcher it?


I think ChatGPT4 provided some excellent food for thought.

Most of the suggestions can be handled at the time of page creation. Other suggestions would be part of a page’s ongoing maintenance.  The Ron Popeil method of “Set it and forget it” is not the most ideal for a webpage.

When searching for best practices for testimonials don’t allow yourself to become overwhelmed by too much fiddling mucking about.

And, as always, don’t forget to apply the Gezertenplatz Factor to any AI generated content.