Pushing The Jamb

Would you like to learn how to stop those irascible, unmoving, uncaring, rigid morons in your life from being so damn irritating?

As with all table-top demos, I shy away from broadcasting conclusions about what you can expect from any given table-top demo. The above paragraph recalls the nature of the original request for this demo. After doing this myself, I can tell you that I have discovered more than the “aha” moments suggested you might think are there. As they say YMMV.

To make the table-top demo do the following:

  1. Find a door  jamb that you can push against without becoming a bother to the rest of the household.
  2. Place your hand on the edge of the door frame so that the palm of your hand is on the edge.
  3. Press against the door jamb.
  4. Keep pressing against the jamb for a minute or two.

Pictured below you’ll find visual indicators of where to push.

After pressing against the door jamb for awhile you will begin to experience some discomfort in your hand.

At this point start making exclamations of the following variety.

“Damn you door jamb for being so immoveable.”

“Why can’t you be softer?”

“What is it with you and your stupid sharp edges?”

“Can’t you give just a little? It wouldn’t hurt you to be a little more giving.”

“Why do I have to be the one to give in all the time?”

“It’s like you don’t even care that it hurts me.”

Etc. etc. etc.

Make up your own dialogue as you wish.

Then after pressing for awhile, just stop. Stop pressing against the door jamb. Notice the discomfort starts to go away the moment you stop pressing.

Repeat this demo 5 or more times. Don’t be a sucker. Don’t go for the first “aha” moment that comes along. This is not the kind of demo you are likely to repeat so do yourself a favor and repeat until you are pretty sure you’ve got. Then do it one more time.

By the way, the jamb in the title is a door jamb — or is it?